Sunday, December 16, 2012

a little something about cuneiform

Writing is a method used to express language in a visual form. The history of writing shows how visually expressed languages have developed over time from their predecessors. The first writing systems were not invented during the early Bronze Age but rather were a development from even earlier forms of symbol systems containing ideographic and mnemonic symbols commonly called proto-writing. In the late Bronze Age true writing emerged. True writing differs from proto-writing in that it could be encoded by a reader and be reconstructed. One of the earliest forms of writing was cuneiform.
Cuneiform writing emerged through pictographic proto-writing in the Sumerian civilization during Mesopotamia's “proto-literate” period, which spanned from the 35th to 32nd centuries BCE. About 10 millennia ago, before cuneiform was developed, the Sumerians used clay tokens as counters and shaped them into various three-dimensional forms. Each clay token represented an item of agricultural and manufactured goods. In the 4th millenium BCE, clay bullae were developed to contain the clay tokens like an envelope for transactions, etc. The first step in the development of a true writing system occurred when clay tokens were imprinted on the bullae, although often the three-dimensional tokens were not clearly imprinted and had to be fixed by hand. At the end of the 4th millenium BCE, new signs were created and most of the new signs did not have three-dimensional counterparts; only about 12 did. Thus, a writing system was developed as pictographs. The pictographs were written with a reed as a stylus on unbaked clay tablets. The end of the blunt reed left wedge-shaped marks on the clay, giving Cuneiform its meaning: wedge-shaped.
Along with the writing system, a counting system was also developed. Instead of inscribing all of the same symbols, the Sumerians realized that they could use the same symbol to represent a certain number of items. The counting system was used by Sumerian scribes, people who wrote documents and helped keep track of records such as the number of cattle that a particular person owned. The counting system was based on the numbers 1, 10, and 60, and was written in a logical manner. For example, 70 cattle would be represented by the sign for 60 followed by the sign for 10.
Many of the symbols had multiple meanings. A picture of a foot, for example, could mean “to stand”, “to go”, and “to bring”. More complex meanings were expressed by combining two pictograph symbols, such as woman and mountain, which would give the meaning female slave. By about 2800 BCE, the Sumerians advanced in their writing by realizing that the same syllabic sounds could be used for different words. For example, the sound for arrow, pronounced “ti”, would also be used to represent the word for life, “til”; similarly the syllable “ha” for fish could be used for other words as well. To easily know what a word meant in a given category, a system of determinatives was created to indicate how to pronounce it and to know what symbol it was used for. Early Sumerian cuneiform contained 1,000 texts but as the years progressed the writings became simplified and more abstract so that the number of texts decreased to 400. Early cuneiform was written vertically, up and down, but changed around 3000 BCE to horizontal, left to right. The earliest texts of Sumerian cuneiform come from the cities of Uruk and Jamdat Nasr and date back to around 3300 BCE.
Cuneiform did not only exist in Sumerian civilization but was adopted and adapted to create other scripts for the Akkadians, Assyrians, Elamites, and the Hittites. It also inspired the old Persian alphabets. In 2500 BCE, Akkadian cuneiform was adapted from Sumerian cuneiform and many words were adopted straight from Sumerian. Adapting the Sumerian script was similar to how Chinese scripts were adapted to write Japanese. There were between 200 and 400 symbols and many of the words had multiple pronunciations. Like the Sumerian writing system, the Akkadian system had determinatives, which added about 400 more symbols. By approximately 2000 BCE, Akkadian cuneiform went through important modifications. The signs were reduced to a higher level of abstraction and were composed of only five wedge shapes: horizontal, vertical, two diagonals and an angular hook. Also many of the signs became distorted to form new phonetic values. In the 1st century CE, Akkadian cuneiform became extinct.
Assyrian cuneiform was a mixed method of writing during the Babylonian and Assyrian empires. Assyrian cuneiform was further simplified as time progressed. In 1800 BCE, Hittite cuneiform was adapted from Old Assyrian cuneiform. A layer of Akkadian logographic spelling was also added but the pronunciations of many Hittite words written in those logograms are unknown.
Elamite cuneiform was the third writing system for the Elamite language. Elamite cuneiform was adapted from Akkadian cuneiform around 2500 BCE and had a simplified form by 1000 BCE. Elamite cuneiform had the least number of symbols, as there were only 206 total, and only 130 of those symbols were constantly used.
Old Persian cuneiform was written with simplified symbols created by 520 BCE by Darius I. It used far fewer wedge strokes than the Assyrians, with logograms mostly for words like god and king.
Cuneiform originated in the Middle East in the Sumerian civilization and influenced many other civilizations to adapt their writing systems to that language. Cuneiform writing is difficult to interpret because there are many symbols and multiple meanings to those symbols, so an interpreter could get the wrong meaning. It is also difficult to convert to another script because one has to analyze the many meanings that can be used for a particular symbol. One thing that has remained the same in cuneiform is the counting system based on 1, 10, and 60, which we still use today.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

peace to you to

What do I believe about world peace

I think that world peace is a very long process and wont happen till thousands of years later. It is possible but very difficult to actually have world peace. There are many things that are stopping world peace such as wars, religious conflicts, and disagreements. Since the beginning of the human race there has been wars. A lot of the wars are caused by religious conflicts such as the wars between the Christians and the Muslims. Disagreements between two countries or places also cause war. The revolutionary war is one example. The settlers in the New World wanted to be independent from Great Britain and because of the war broke out. Some countries have tried to bring peace without declaration of war but over some time later there had been some military conflict to settle out problems. With threats of military power it defeats the purpose of world peace because lives are in danger as well as society. There are many other things that prevent world peace and one of them is government systems such as Democracy and Communism. I think that Communism is a cool system if it actually were to work. The idea of everyone gets paid equally and such is cool but there will always be people that will be lazy and not commit to their works while the others will. There are laws that promote equality towards everyone but even with those laws close minded people will of course not accept equality as they think that they are superior over the others. White supremacist hate black people as well as other races. This is racial conflict.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

world hunger

What is the solution for world hunger.

First of all, with the worlds rapid population growth rate ending world hunger will be a very challenging problem to conquer. Some countries government wont even allow aid for its own starving people which is a bad thing. So things like that will prevent solutions for ending world hunger. I think that one of the solutions for ending world hunger would be through the lab. Genetically engineer food for rapid growth and space efficiency. Gene splicing is a real thing and scientist have already done it. Like say take a potato and a watermelon for example. We all know that the potato grows in huge quantities and they require very little room. If we can take the gene from that of the potato and put it in watermelons, we could see rapid growths of watermelons everywhere. One occurrence of such gene splicing was when scientist made “golden rice” containing vitamin A to help those countries with people that don't take in a sufficient amount of vitamin A. Another solution for world hunger is to end wars. When war is occurring plantations and land get destroyed and those foods in thats farms and plantations are gone, unable to supply the people that eat out from there on a regular basis. Establishing foundations that support countries with insufficient amount of food will help the problem. Donations of food will help a lot. Food companies can build farms and ranges in places where the people need food thus creating jobs for people and people earning money can buy food. With the worlds economy today, people are losing their jobs therefore they can't earn the money needed to support themselves or family. Having green projects can give people jobs such as building windmills, dams, and solar panels. One problem with the earth is global warming. Because of high Co2 emissions, global warming is becoming even more dangerous every year. If we can get the establishments of green projects there will be less Co2 emissions and more environmentally friendly power supplies. People will have jobs thus having money to support their families. Not only that, global warming has been messing up the worlds patterns and there seems to be more natural disasters such as typhoons and hurricanes. Those destroy land and even farms that people use to produce food. And of course without land to produce food people will starve. I read one article about wind energy and how they modified the turbines to collect moisture from the air and convert it to clean drinking water. That is a great idea. Companies can plant these wind turbines and place them in isolated villages where not only they will get power but also clean free clean drinking water.

secret santa

Secret santa about the gift

I'm participating in this thing called secret santa. First we wrote our fake names on a small strip of paper than piled them all together. We then threw the papers to the ground and each person had to pick up a piece of paper. Some of the people got their names so we had to redo the process. Some people then found out what other peoples name's were and we all had to re-write a new fake name. After writing the fake name we then again compiled everything and everyone had to pick up a name. The gift that we have to get for our person has to be around $15. I don't know what to get the person but I'm thinking of buying them a binocular.I had many other things in mind to buy the person but all of them are either more than $15 or a little weird.
For example:
I would have bought that person drumsticks but no one in my class plays the drums, unless they broke their sticks that came with a game called rock band.
I would have gotten that person a shirt but I don't know what the person looks for in a shirt and I'm not sure whether it's a boy or a girl. I don't have their measurements and because people are different, they either like their shirts loose or tight.
I would've bought that person a new car but that's to extreme of a gift from a non-family member. A car is way over the $15 budget and chances are he or she does not have a license yet.
Maybe a fedora is a good gift? Nah fedoras are not stylish and they seem pretty unattractive.
I was thinking, why not just give them your old junk? You know that saying, someone's trash is someone else's' treasure? It could be that my dust magnet piece of junk would be the best thing he or she ever wanted.
How about deodorant? It's cool for keeping the body clean of odors. Hopefully if i ever do buy someone deo they wont be offended.
The first thing that came to my mind about giving someone a gift was to give that person $15. I don't really know what that person appreciates but I'm sure they'll appreciate money. They could buy something on their own that they like.
Instead of buying a gift why not a gift card? From say Mcdonalds or subway. I would love to get free food. If I got a $15 gift card I would by a Big Mac meal with a large strawberry shake. If it is for subway I would get 3 footlong sweet onion chicken terryakis.
Maybe I'll just get them binoculars. Binoculars are cool. You can see things far away.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Song I play.

One song i want to learn to play.

I have learned a lot of songs that I've been interested in playing for the drums, but of course i would also like to learn the guitar parts and bass parts of those songs to. So for the song that I want to learn all of the instruments it would be The Aftermath by Origin from their album Antithesis.. Origin is a technical death metal band and they are known for their blistering faster drums, guitar and bass. There are a lot of sweeping in this song for both the guitars and bass as well as long double bass parts. I know I can't get vocals down but I know i could get the guitars and bass. For the drums I have developed enough speed and endurance for my hands to keep up with the drums but for the double bass parts I still need some work. I only started using the technique that John Longstreth uses about a month ago and can only reach the 240 bpm mark. Back when I use to do single strokes I could only reach 230. To get the speed and endurance necessary to play The Aftermath, I have set up a training plan for a month. I practice rudiments with my feet, singles, doubles, paradiddles, and so on. I practice with a metronome most of the time and when I do I start at 200 bpm and go up by ten every minute or so. With the pearl eliminators it is quite hard for me to reach a tempo at 270 with my feet because of the slave pedal. The slave pedal in the drumming community is known to have the footboard lower than the master pedal and you need like an extra centimeter down stroke to get the note. When practice my drumming I focus more on my left foot than my right foot because of this problem with the slave pedal. For the guitar parts I need to do a lot of speed training and exercises. There are tons and tons of sweeping for this song and sweeping is one of the hardest things to do for guitar or bass. Which then leads me to have fretboard accuracy which will take time to develop. For the bass guitar. Mike Flores is just a monster in that song. He as well does the sweeping and he has really quick fingers using his index and middle finger. He can probably play notes with those two fingers faster than I can play with all four of my fingers. I need to do a lot of exercises as well do cope with the speed.

I like space

I think that there are many good thingsabout have the space organizations be run privately. The good things include more resources and more money and people for the job. A lot of rich business people are interested in this private space organization that they formally were not a part of due to the organization being government run. Because of the switch from government to private, the space organization has had an increase in the number of people currently contributing to the cause. This influx in people is good because it means that with these new people, new money has begun to spill into the organization. These new private organizations have allowed people that are not working for the government who are interested in space to start getting involved. Before, when the space program was limited to the government, only government associated highly qualified officials could even think about going into space. 
Today, this privatization has allowed common people who do not work for the government to start finding ways into space. Another exponential key factor that this new privatization has brought is new ideas about Mars. The moon has begun to bore these scientists. It is kind of a “been there, done that” kind of thing. People want something new, something exciting. Because of this, Mars has begun to become quite popular. It is in fact, one of the main projects that these private organizations have begun to work with.
One major issue of having this space program change from government to private and is the issue of two things. The first one being the problem that all this money and time is going to end up being used for weapons that will eventually get discovered by other nations that have the potential of threatening our own. The second one being that fact that all this money and effort should be going to people in need. What great is going into space really going to do for us in the long run? Some people might argue that this money should be going to people who could really use the money, people in need. These problems are the main issues of the space program becoming a private organization. Hopefully this change will bring new discoveries that are for the good of the people. 


 My mid 40's was the time things in my life began to slow down. My music career finished after the band played the last shows on our farewell tour where we played the top 5 songs off of ever album. I remember all of our fans screaming and shouting out of saddness and joy that we were no longer continuing as a band and that they had the chance to see our last show. My wife would always tell me how shes not used to me staying for more than a week at home because of all the touring I did in the past, but now she seems to be getting use to it and she's happy that I'm home helping her with some house work and spending more time with the kids. It's been a tough week for me to adjust back to this regular life style without getting calls from the manager saying that there's a gig we have to play at. I now give private drum lessons every tuesday and saturday in my neighborehood.
While I was away on tour I left a house that was so plain and simple. When I came back after my tour my wife hired a renovations company to change the way the house looks. But it wasn't only the looks. She changed a lot of things. Now our room has a walk in closet. How cool is that! More space for my body to move in. Not only that she also change the kitchen. It is now bigger with a bigger refrigerator and a dish washer. No more dishes to be done but we have to clean the dish washer which is easier than the dishes themselves. We now have a swimming pool in our back yard. I think it is pretty neat. It has a slide and a dive board. What made me really impressed is that I now have my own room for all of my records and things I got from touring. All those records hanging on the wall, posters everywhere and my signature equipment.
My kids are in high school. They're pretty popular among everyone only because their dad is a rock star. I remember during the first month I was home my daughter told me that boys were afraid to ask her to a dance. From time to time my son would bring some friends home to jam some music in the music room. I haven't heard him play the drums in a while, the last time was when he was still in middle school. He has improved a lot. From the tempos to the beats he really reminds me of me. Even my wife told me that he wants to be a professional musician like I am and tour the world. I told him that if he wants to be good at the drums he needs to accept every form of music and learn from them. I'll admit, I wasn't like that when i started to play. I was so into only the metal genre but I had to open up and what do you know I ended up being popular amongst all of the drumming communities. Learning many genres of music will shape your playing and make you be a better musician overall.


Should legal cases be televised?

Should legal cases be televised? I think that this question has two answers to it. Yes and no. it really depends on the situation and whose in it. If it is a private matter then I think that it shouldn't be and if it is public and may affect the community then it should.
In the situation of a private matter I think that it should not be televised. The person doesn't not want others to know of his situation and how his life or family relations is. If people knew his case in the court it could destroy his job and his reputation among other people. It is also possible that his situation could've been a set up. Keeping it private wont let the public get the wrong vision of the person. If it is just a common person and like for say an employee of a small shop the case should be private.
If situations are public like a shooting or some kind of protest then I think that the cases should be televised. Televising these cases will generate public awareness and keep the community in guard of whatever is going to happen. One example of a public televised case would be of a congressmen having some kind of corrupt under table things. This should come to the light of the people to tell them that the law makers are not the right people to be sitting in congress. People will have their voice out and want change the way laws are made. More sincere law making will be made for the better of the people and not for the better of the politicians to keep their seats. Protesters should have their voice to be heard throughout a nation. The case of having better working conditions should be of public notice to tell the people that some people are being treated badly in their work place and that reform of the work place should happen to protect people.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Christmas is a holidy meaning Christ's mass and the birth of Jesus. It is also the day where kids believe that Santa Claus will fly with his reindeers and go through your chimney and put a gift under your tree or a piece of coal in your stockings. Christmas is also a great time for toy stores and such because they'll get a lot of money. This year will be my 17th christmas holiday and its been the same for the last 10 years where i stopped getting gifts and my family doesnt put up the christmas tree anymore. We just treat it as a regular day. When I was younger I used to get a lot of gifts like say the newest transformer toy or hot wheel tracks. I remember one time my uncle gave me a shoe box with all my old toys and pictures of me. I think I almost cried because I hated that gift but now when I look back I laugh about it because I realize it was actually pretty funny. When I was younger I believed in Santa Clause but the funny thing is that my house does not have a chimney. I wished for many things such as hot wheels super set things, gundam, games etc. I thought that I was a good boy and deserved all those things. So I went to sleep and had my eyes a little open to realize that my dad went into the room and placed a toy next to my dad, after that I didnt believe in Santa Clause anymore.
I don't have a favorite gift that I received for christmas but my ideal gift would be a five-string bass guitar and a bass amp. I already have a four stringed bass guitar but I'm getting bored with only four strings and I want to move up. I also want a bass amp because I want to record some covers using it. Since I've been playing drums for a while now and have been listening to drumless tracks and some songs, im getting tired playing through with those songs and I want to make an original song. Making an original song will improve my musical writing skills and may result in an album. In my head I come up with many rift ideas that I want to record but I cant because I dont have a bass amp!A new bass would also be nice because I want one with frets; the one I have used to have frets but my uncle took them out and now its fretless. I dont mind a fretless bass, it sounds cool and I like the feel of sliding but one with frets would be better for me. Also a five stringed bass would help me play those high notes easily without going up to the 20th fret and dropping down to like the 5th fret or something like that. So there you have it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Stream of conciousness

Stream of conciousness.

When i came to Spain and i say people partying, i thought to myself. What the ****. All day. All night. All day. All night. Viva la fiest. Viva la noche. Viva los dj's. What the ****. Viva la fiest. Viva la noche. Viva los dj's. Johnny. La gente esta muy loca. What the ****. Once upon a time there was a write who had to write a stream of conciousness. He had no idea what to write so one day he went to school and took up his regular classes. In one particular class, math, he had to deal with numbers and equations. He liked math but at the same time he hated all the work he had to do. So he asked the teacher for help and the teacher helped him in his troubles. Now he is an engineer in German building some cool stuff. Then he wrote a stream of conciousness in his journal. He wrote about 10 pages worth of his thoughts for the day. After his death a professor took his journal and studied his mind. He was a neuroscientist and made some magnificant discoveries about the human brain. He wrote in his reports that the brain of the engineering guy was a super genious and could record everything he sees into his mind. Like picture memory. So he went to the dead mans carcass and drilled a hole into his head and extracted the cells from his brain and made them live again. He then engineered the cells to be able to live in his brain so he can have picture memory. He indeed got the picture memory ability but unfortunately he died at an early age. His legacy lives on today. Rip dude. Rip curl. Once upon a time there was a family that liked to have fun in the widerness. Once upon a time a group of friends went out camping in the woods of california. There were 5 people. One couple 2 guys and 1 girl. They were out for a few hours and settled camp. At night one of the girls went out to go pee and when she came back she saw a tall figure with the face of a mosquito. She was terrified and fainted. The next morning they were talking about what happened last night and one the girls that was sleeping said that she wasnt sleeping but new that something was there and in her mind she was telling herself not to open he eyes. Same as the other guys they knew that something was there but they didnt want to see it. After they were talking about what happened that night they left the forest and never came back to that place again. I heard this story from my brother who had a friend that had a friend that was in that group. I searched all over the internet searching for a tall mosquito face figure but couldn't find anything. He told me that because I mentioned to him about slenderman. So yesterday on november 12, 2012 cryptopsy released their new 2 cd comilation included four never released songs. They release Bodon one of them and I was listening to it all day today and I have to say that it is amazing. The mix is quite different than their album Cryptopsy but man it was brutal. The drums were as always crazy and Youri's backing vocals never cease to impress me. There a short bass solo and Matt's voice is amazing. I went to Japan for the Loud Park 12 event and I say Naglfar, 1349, Children of Bodom, Slayer, In Flames, and Cryptopsy. I primarily went there only to see cryptopsy. It was a crazy experience especially since it was my first ever concert and featuring only heavy metal music. I was just going nuts. Headbanging all day the next day i had a sour neck and my arms were dead. I also lost my voice. Man Cryptopsy were amazing. Too bad I didnt get to see Jon but Youri was there. Flo did a drum solo and he did his hyperblast and he just went faster and faster after every cheer of the crowd. I was one of the only people that wasn't japanese and could pronounce the band name and the members. Saitama Super Arena can carry about 35,000 people and at the festival there were about 25,000 – 30,000 people. You should have seen Slayer. EVERYONE was there. I dont really dig slayers music but nonetheless they were amazing. Haha i really enjoyed their songs Raining Blood and Angel of death.The next day after the concert i went to a drumshop and Flo apparently was doing a drum workshop there featuring the Pearl Demon Chain drive. There were about 100 people in the shop but man it was amazing again. He was explaing foot techniques and did a few Q&A. After the clinic I waited outside for probably 1 or 2 hours under the rain waiting for Flo to come out of the shop. I saw him come out and was nervous. My body was shaking and i didnt know what to do till these two japanese people went up to him and asked for a photo. After that I did the same thing and a a little conversation with him aswell as a photo. From that point on i was ready to die and rest in peace. So far I only have around 900 words out of 1200 words. I really dont know what to write about next but I will try to get some Ideas. I just yawned not because I am tired but rather because I dont know what else to write. Hmmmmmmm. Let me think. OH I know what to write about. Ill write about my day as of today. So i went to bed last night at around 12 o clock. I woke up smelling bad from the restaurant i went to last night and took a shower. Even after the shower my hair still had the smell of the restaurant. After I showered I ate breakfast. Cereal and milk. Then i took my vitamins. Then my dad dropped me to school. I went to my classes as usual. My pecs are sour because I did one hundred push ups yesterday. I went to guam this weekend and came back on sunday when i left on friday afternoon. I went to lonestar and ate steak, cooked rare, wrapped in bacon. It was delicious. I also had baked potato full on and ordered an appatizer of cheese protato sticks. It was delicious and very fattening. Pretty much I only go to lonestar because of the bread and butter. The bread and butter is really good and very soft and hot. I like the bread and butter. So right now I only need 60 more words. Do i have more to write? Absolutely! It is 2:34 right now and Im losing ideas for my stream of conciousness. I had club hoggy for lunch today and it was bad. I dont like the lunch that the school system provides in the Isand of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands. Saipan is a hot place so is guam. So that concludes my stream of conciousness. Have a nice day everybody that reads my post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The worst villain

All if not most superhero movies have villains, whether it would be one or multiple villains in a group. I've watched a few movies like Batman, Spiderman, Superman, The Green Lanturn, Fantastic Four and Transformers. I think the best known villain out of all the movies that I have listed is the Joker in Batman. The second best known would be Megatron in Transformers, Optimus Primes arch nemesis. The other listed movies have more than one villain and in the sequals introduced new villains.
The Joker in batman is known for his clown-like face paint and his thing where he would draw a joker card or some sort and show it with that serious face. His famous saying if not a quote is “Why so serious?” The last Batman movie that I watched was Batman: Returns. I did not understand the movie at all. It had a dark theme which i think all batman movies have. I remember seeing that the Joker planted a bomb or some sort and blew up a hospital. There was a scene where he was walking while wearing nurse clothes. I dont know a whole bunch about the Joker except that he's this guy that Batman really wants to kill and hes' got a lot of tricks up his sleeves.
Megatron is another villain that stars in Transformers. He is Optimus Primes arch nemesis and is hungry with power. Transformers are robots that can talk and its weird how they have blood when they get stabbed or have their heads taken off by blades of being shot by lasers or missiles. In the first transformers movie, the main characters great grandfather accidently discovered megatron who was on a mission to find the cube that contains a lot of power. He accidently touched something and Megatron became awake. Megatron has killed a few autobots and brutally injured Optimus Prime in the second movie. In the first movie Megatron in the end was dumped into the ocean wear fish and coral grew on him until in the second movie In the second movie a group of decepticons went down into the ocean, killed a bunch or sailors and got Megatron back alive and flew into space to some planet. Optimus prime kicked his arse again with his cool upgrades from jetfire and Megatron ran away. In the third movie Megatron kills sentinal and then gets killed by optimus prime. I think that Megatron is a bad villain is because he was hungry with power and wanted to take over the earth and kill all the humans. In the third movie he hated sentinal because he was the leader over the people and Megtron wanted that power so thats why he killed him but unfortunately he was killed by Optimus Prime.


My Greatest possession.

Since this has to be a material item that is my greatest possession, if not then it would've been my family because they are irriplaceable and they're the best things that i have in life.(well in my case God would be number one).
My greatest material possession would either be my drumset (mentioned multiple times in my other posts) or my ZuneHD music player. I'll start off with why my drumset is one of my greatest possessions. First off all I love music. Music is my life... haha a lot of people would say the same thing but to me it really is. It's like my second language. So back to the drums... I love playing the drums. I've been playing for about 5 years now as of this day and will always continue to play. The drumset is an endless instrument with endless possibilities. You can tune the toms to notes played on the piano. There are some guys that would take their ride cymbal or whatever cymbal it is and leave it out for weeks and months for it to be rained on etc to get that particular sound they are looking for. I have yet to do this when I have the money. When I play the drums I can fully express what emotion I want out, whether it's anger, joy, sadness, fustration, or even excitement. I started out with a small 4 piece drumset; You know the kind with one rack tom, floor tom, snare and bass drum with 4 cymbals: hi-hat, ride and two crashes. I first started using a single pedal. I remember that every month or so I would add something the drumset and create something new. At one point in my playing I had a rack cage setup. It was the biggest drumset configuration I have ever done in the 5 years of my playing. I took an electronic kit rack and connected it ontop of my gibraltar rack. I put the electronic cymbals on the top rack and the accoustic on the gibraltar. I only had this for like a week or so because i found it to be a useless configuration because theres just so much unecessary things on it. So now im sticking to a 9 piece drumset: 3 rack toms and 2 floor toms, 2 snare, one main and one auxilary and two bass drums. I recently bought a Pearl Eliminator Powershifter double pedal and i love it. The only downside with that pedal is that the slave pedal lags and it takes a lot of practice to get use to it. Overall its a very versatile pedal.
My other greatest possession is my ZuneHD. My first music player was the 1st generation ipod touch but that broke because i opened it. My ZuneHD saves me from my boredom because I have all the music I like in there and i would listen to it for hours. Even though it doesnt have a lot of apps like the Apple Ipod, it focuses more on multimedia applications. The sound quality is much better and the battery life is long. I've had it for about 3 years now and it still like-new.  

Saipan Economy

Saipan's Economy

Ever since saipan's government came into existence, the economy has been going down hill ever since. Except for the years before 1994, the economy was doing pretty well and they did not have a deficit. After 1994, the Saipan has been owing more money every year and in 2011 they owed about 350 million dollars. There have been a number of stupid governers of Saipan. I remember hearing that one of them bailed out a lady that was in jail for sex trade to be his personal massager. The other day junior and senior students from three different schools met together and sat in a place where this man named Tony Babauta spoke to us about the saipan economy in terms of finance and budget. It took me a while to understand what he was saying but i later got it. In 2009 the variance was about 6 million dollars. In 2010 the variance was about 2 million dollars. In 2011 saipan earned 6 million dollars. So if the government can keep earning 6 million dollars every year then they'll be able to pay back everything in probably 45 years. That is actually too long of a recovery, they need to take more drastic measures and change the elected officials to people that actually care about the economy and not for personal things. The Saipan government pays more to their elected officials than the United States. One of the spokesman showed us a pie chart on the money that is being used on different departments they use about 45% of that money for education which i think is good. There were also a lot of other departments that were shown and the spokesman suggested that the government should take some points off of some and put them under others that may need more money.
Because of all of this financial crisis, our hospital and power supplier are on the brink of bankruptcy. The hospital here is limiting the use of air conditioning making it hot inside which is a very bad thing because hospitals need to be cold in order to keep germs away and since it is hot it is very unhealthy for the patience that are in the hospital. There is also a shortage of nurses and doctors because they either left the island or were laid off. As for the CUC, our power supplier, they get grants to by oil but the government is I think splitting the grants for the hospital so they could pay off their bills. So CUC wont have the money to buy oil to generate power for Saipan which causes tourism to just plunder down in numbers.
I think that the government should invest money on newable energy. The investment will cost a lot of money but in the long run it'll save a lot. Wind and solar energy should be in consideration because Saipan has a lot of sunlight and has a fair amount of wind.

Scary movie

The scariest movie i watched

The scariet movie that I watched was Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings. I watched that movie on saturday night October 13, 2012 at a friends birthday party. There were a good deal of highschoolers there watching it. When the movie first started like the first five minutes I was eating with a couple of guys at the dinner table while the rest were around the television. I have on my plate red rice, fried chicken, coleslaw, a biscuit, and some beef meat type thing. The food was really good and i loved eating the skin of the fried chiken. During the first two minutes it should deformed human experiment people getting out of their cellar and going on a rampage along with others. I was just watching the movie while my food was getting cold. The three deformed brothers took barbed wire and hung the doctor on all four limbs pulling it. He was then killed. The blood didnt look real at all. In another scene in the hospital they electricuted a lady while she was on her bed. That part I was just like wahhhh. One thing about scary movies that makes them all the same is that they all have pretty girls and stupid people who always die. In this movie it showed just that. The group of people that stayed in the hospital over night had the three brothers trapped and they poured gasoline all over their cell. One the girls decided not to burn them and left one of the guys to keep watch of the cellar. Before that the three brothers were eating one of the guys alive making fondue. Discusting. I was just staring at this part like yuck. Unfortunately for the guy that fell asleep while keeping watching of the cellar had his tongue cut by the three brothers and was stabbed by the surviving members in the group because they thought he was one of them. While i was watching the movie of course i left my guard down. Some people took a woopy cushion and it blew next to my face. I was so scared by that that i jumped and covered my face with my hands and everyone was laughing. I wasn't they only one that they did this to me they did it to other people aswell. Anyways, while the surviving four girls found a hole to escape out of the hospital one didnt make it and was killed by some huge drill. With they were outside they were being chased by the three brothers on snowmobiles. One of the girls was caught under one and was killed. The remaining two girls mananged to fend off two of the brothers and escaped. In the end their heads went through barbed wire and they were killed. The movie ends with one the of surviving brother getting their body and head onto the truck and left back to the hospital. I came back home at around 12 at night and couldn't sleep so i watched funny stuff for 3 hours and left the television on and finally went to sleep.


Wednesday is the middle day between tuesday and thursday. Both of those days start with a T. It is the middle day of the week two. The feelings for wednesdays are different than the feelings in mondays and fridays. I don't like the feelings of mondays because it is after Sunday and on mondays you go to school starting your week. Then tuesdays come in which is like 2/5 the way towards the weekend. Then there is wednesday. The middle of the week which tells you that you only have 2 more days till the weekend. Wednesday are also like the last day of volleyball practice for the week; friday practices are only sometimes. And volleyball games are tuedays and thurdays. Johnny, La Gente Esta Muy Loca. Double U. Tee. Ef.! Wednesday Thursday and Friday. I always wondered why wednesday. Do people wed on that day? And Nes is game character. So is it that Wednesdays are Nes's day? Not sure if it is or isnt. Monday Represents the past and Friday represents the future and wednesday is the present. It is gift from the gods above. Take wednesday as a special day to reflect what you did on monday and tuesday and use that day to plan for the future os thursday and Friday. Wednesday is day of hope. If you did bad in school on monday and tuesday, remember that Wednesday is the middle point and you have a chance to redeme yourself on Thursday and Friday. Life isnt about whats left or right but in the middle. Thats what wednesday is, the middle. You are not bias but your accept everything else that comes are you in life. Like for example if life gives you a watermelon what do you do? You dont throw it away or eat it like you would do to water and melons. You would eat it as a watermelon. Life is full of suprises and we cant experience all of that. So wednesday is the day you find equalibrium of your inner soul and humanity. Wednesday is peak of a mountain. Once you get up theres nothing to do. Walking up the mountain is like monday and tuesday and walking down the mountain is thursday to friday. Do you want to know how to say wednesday if your in monday. Its Overmorrow. This year October 2012, halloween was on wednesday. Another name for wednesday is called Hump Day, because of it's location in the middle of the week, and by the time Wednesday is done, the week is on a down hill roll. In the adams family the daughter is names wednesday. If you realize in the days of the week, it goes monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. There are two T's and two S's and one M, one F, and one W. Wednesday is a chill day. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some cool stuff.

Theo Jansen: My creations, a new form of life 

Tom Shannon's gravity-defying sculpture


Monday, October 1, 2012

Honey moon. swweet.

With my lovely wife will go on a honeymoon that is sweet with a lot of gravitational pull. I would travel around Europe. First I'd take a cruise to England and visit Stone Henge. Then we'll take a cruise to Scandinavia for a few days. We'll stay a week in Germany and visit monuments such as the Berlin wall. We'll also go to Wacken music festival and have a good time listening to music. We'll also go to other music festivals such as Summer Breeze and Metalfest. In the Netherlands, we'll go visit the red-light district and see the various scenery and museums. In Italy, we'll eat pasta and pizza. You know eat the spaghetti in that way. I like to lasagna. I like carbonara. I like Pasta in general. I chose to go to Europe mostly because of the weather. Europe has a lot of scenery and there is a lot of history there. Maybe in Denmark we'll join a RPG game. Those games where there are class you can be such as mage, warrior, archer, etc etc. I think it'll be fun.  

The First thing i see when I wake up.

The first thing I see when I wake up is my bass guitar. I started to play the bass about two months ago. The compositions that I play to is advanced compared to what beginners play. I didn't start with the easy stuff, I just went straight to intermediate sheet music. I believe that I have a natural talent in playing music. I surely don't think that I got that gene from my parents but rather from my ancestors. I discovered my musical talents at the age of four when my parents had me take piano lessons. From then on I've been walking the path to musicianship and I plan on getting a minor in Music along with possibly a minor in biology and majoring in Engineering. Whenever I listen to music, of course since I'm a drummer I listen to the drums, but I also listen to the bass. For a lot of songs I notice that the bass player is way in the back of the mixing which makes the song sound thin, if you understand what I mean. The purpose of the bass sound is to plant a foundation for all the other instruments: bass on the bottom, drums bottom to top, guitars in the middle as well as vocals. Have you heard any bass solos? Man, I have to tell you that they are amazing. I like how they use the body of the bass to produce that drum-like beat and play their notes over that. I like bass.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is love?

There are many definitions of love...
-Natures way tricking people into reproducing.
-To have strong liking.
-To have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for(another person).

1 Corinthians 13:
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over another's sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love.

As you can see that there are many different definitions of love. My own definition is unconditional love; no matter what it is your partner does, you still love them for who they are. Love is accepting the consequences and sufferings with your significant other. 
I see a lot of young teenagers telling their friends that they love their boyfriend or girlfriend blah blah blah and those relationships only last for a short time. There is no love in those kind of relationships because deep inside your still finding your place in someone else's heart. True love is settling down your differences and locking chains with each other throwing away the key. There are no limits in true love meaning that you'll do anything for your partner to keep them truly no matter the consequences. You don't hide yourself from your significant other because you trust your partner to understand and to accept what's happening. Love is painful but also a blessing. The pain is growing into a new person with new views of life and leaving your past behind but it is also a blessing in that you grow together with your partner discovering new things in life.

Or love could be like loving to eat or playing a sport with great dedication and passion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stream of Conciousness #2

this is my stream of consciousness. you are about to read what i have in my mind. I'am saying what im typing out loud. I think it is really good because you can remember what you said and wrote. Chris in your mind not out loud. Chris shut up. Thank you. asshole. *giggle* it was more of a chuckle. sneeze* My Ethernet. I cannot connect to the internet with this lame lenovo laptop. Are you serious chris, are you going to diss my computer? I see a teacher fixing up his pile of papers and putting it into a box where other studenst will get them. I will now be getting my AP stat papers test thing. I hope I do well. :) TROLOLOLOLOLO. Mr. Lee, who were better, the seniors of the juniors. Their average grade is like 17/20. Our class is like 13/20. Im not good at Stats. I have to read more of it. Wow, I don't know what else to write. Haha that is funny because I just wrote that. I like to have long hair. There is this one kid named Joey who has the longest hair in school. It is down to his waist. I don't want hair that long but maybe half way down my back. I like to headbang while i listen to metal. Metal is BRUTAL. It's like a truck running at full speed which spikes on the front hitting you. My favorite type of music is metal because it gives you so much energy its amazing. I helps me through my troubles that I go through and i let it all out through growling or just going nuts. I play the drums. I started playing the drums since I was about 12 years old which makes me a drummer for about four to five years. I started out as a pop drummer but then as time went on I got tired of pop music and moved to metal because of its complexity and technicality. I love blast beats! Some musicians think blast beats are just noise played at high tempos but I think they are fun and challenging. Imagine all the stamina you'll need to play an hour show full of blast beats! My favorite blasts are the one-footed blast used by George Kollias, Derek Roddy and other great drummers. I also like the hyperblast used frequently by Flo Mounier. Flo Mounier is my biggest inspiration in the drumming world. He has groove, technicality, speed and chops. Hes almost like an all-in-one type of drummer. I like double bass drumming. It's a great workout applied along with blast beats. Wow I've been writing for 22 minutes and im not even half way done! Anyways back to what I was talking about. Death Metal drumming is like a workout. Right now my bass pedals are Pearl Eliminator PowerShifters. I chose that over the Pearl Demon Drives because the demon drives are too smooth for me. I want a pedal that how do you say fight back I guess. The powershifters have that and now im using the blue cam. I tried the red cam but that doesn't work to my liking as much as the blue. Flo Mounier uses the blue cam so yeah. So I just saved my document just incase this Obama computer because these computers are sketchy, they tend to like break down the screen goes black or white sometimes. Cheap stuff but it works atleast. Recently I have been playing the bass guitar. I have a black four-stringed bass guitar which brand I cannot name because its actually my uncle's who is also a drummer and the guy that taught me how to play the drums when I first started out. He also recorded my playing the drums which i thought was cool because i can see the improvement I went through, and i can see that I improved a lot. My playing style also changed dramatically. A few hours ago I took an ancient world history test. I missed 5 questions, but thats okay I guess i didn't study much. I also took a chemistry test. The 9th graders kept on bothering me so they had to leave the room. I have a facebook account. I dont have many friends on it because I deleted a lot of friends. I think around three hundred? So call me maybe. I'm hooked to that school and sometimes I would just sing it out of the blue and ill start to do the motions which I think is funny. But that song is not my cup or tea. It's just hookable. There are some celebrity crushes I have if you will. They are Simone Simones, Simon Pjer... and lisa Jablowski. I liked Lisa's page. I think she is really pretty, so are the other two and other girls I like. Grrrr. I like to do some growlings from time to time but I honesly suck at is. Cryptopsy is my top death metal band. They are really awesome. The drums are monstrous (flo mounier) and the guitars are really fast. Cryptopsy has had a lot of line up changes but I think the line up now slaughters. Flo mounier on drums, Jon and Christian on guitars, Olivier on the bass and Matt on vocals killer line up. It is 2:34 right now. I have 10 minutes till school is done. It is still raining really hard and the vollyball game against Grace Christian Academy is cancelled. But thats okay i didnt want to play anyways. Im a slow typer and I suck at it. I pre-ordered cryptopsy's upcoming album that will be out in two weeks. Im really excited and i hope i can be a winner of those giveaways which I doubt but thats okay. 9Gag has ruined my life. Im sorta an addict to it i would go on everyday to see the new posts. A lot of the posts are redundant actually which is lame. And there aren't as many good posts as before. I also go on reddit. I think Reddit is better than 9gag. Eight more minutes till school is done. I can't wait to go home and sleep. Possibly play the bass guitar to some metal songs. Im not fast now on the bass but i certainly will later during this year. I use finger style picking. Im practicing to use all four fingers. I can play phobophile and serial messiah. I just saved my document again hahah. 5 more minutes until school is over. I've been reading BBC news lately and the topics dont really appeal to me anymore. OH! Have you seen the panarama of the Curiosity drone thing? It is really cool. Mars is like orange and brown. I think that life once was lived there before a long time ago. Maybe martians? Neil Armstrong died a few days ago. R.I.P. Lance Armstrong was stripped of his 7 gold medals won at tour de france. That sucks for him. It seems that theres something wrong with the Armstrong family? Presidential elections are coming up. I wonder who will win the presidency? Obama or Mitt Romney? I like to play sports. I play volleyball. Im on the school volleyball team and im in the A team. Or blue But sadly im not starter for the COED team. But i will be for the MISO league. I like to set the ball. I cant spike haha. It is 2:43 right now and it is still raining really hard. It has been raining a lot since like the start of school. I like rain it makes me happy because the weather is not as hot as the days that it is not raining. Global warming. I think we can stop global warming if all the countries cooperate. That will never happen. All the countries thing of themselves rather than the people. I think that If all of richest people in the world combine together they can bail out all of Europe and the Euro-crisis will be over! How cool would that be? People are stubborn greedy folks. Jesus is a cool guy. He died for our sins and will be back on Earth on an unknown day. I wonder what it is like to be in Heaven, I wouldn't want to go to hell and burn for all of my life. That would suck. I like to wear black clothes. I think black is the new black. I have many black shirts of bands and sorts of stuff. Arch Enemy, Immolation, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Opeth and so forth. Yup im going to go home right now and use the computer and do stuff. Wow im hungry. I guess I couldn't finish this whole thing in like 45 minutes. I have statistics homework to do. Today will be an easy day. Fish live in the water. They have fins and mouths. We eat fish but i dont really like to eat sea food because I think it is all dangerous because of the toxic waste that are spilled on to the ocean it could kill me. Im kinda lost on what to write right now. All my classmates are leaving the room. Maybe ill just copy and paste a random sentence or two. “ Cryptopsy is my top death metal band. They are really awesome. The drums are monstrous (flo mounier) and the guitars are really fast. Cryptopsy has had a lot of line up changes but I think the line up now slaughters. Flo mounier on drums, Jon and Christian on guitars, Olivier on the bass and Matt on vocals killer line up. It is 2:34 right now. I have 10 minutes till school is done. It is still raining really hard and the vollyball game against Grace Christian Academy is cancelled. But thats okay i didnt want to play anyways. Im a slow typer and I suck at it. I pre-ordered cryptopsy's upcoming album that will be out in two weeks. Im really excited and i hope i can be a winner of those giveaways which I doubt but thats okay. 9Gag has ruined my life. Im sorta an addict to it i would go on everyday to see the new posts. A lot of the posts are redundant actually which is lame. And there aren't as many good posts as before. I also go on reddit. I think Reddit” hahah there it is. The copy and pasted sentence.

I invite dead people.

If I could bring back some one from the dead then it would be Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earheart was the first women aviator to fly around the world. Her disappearance is not yet known but many people suggest that she crashed somewhere in the Northern Mariana Islands. There have be witnesses that claimed that they saw japanese soldiers dragging a white lady into their camp. There also have been other claims that she was around other areas such as Great Britain and Japan. A US guy said that he found Amelia's briefcase in the Island of Saipan. Now I just need a way to bring back Amelia from the dead. I would build a machine that would bring dead people back from the dead and give them live for only about two hours. I would bring her back from the dead during the afternoon and have lunch with her instead of dinner or breakfast. I've been reading about dead people and police officers that saw them said that the stench of the human body is nothing of this world. It has a sweet scent to it so I would have to spray her with some deodorant or some kind of scent killer thing. Anyways, for the first hour I would go shopping with her and talk about things in life and such. I would ask her what her favorite songs are and what she likes to do. We would go watch a movie and stuff. I would bring her to like the museum and introduce her to the people that are looking for her remains and they will be astonished because they wouldnt believe that there she is, standing in front of them the mystery solved. I would ask her where her plane is and I would take a photo of it and upload it in instagram. We would do some water sports such as personal watercrafting, swimming, paddle boarding and maybe banana boating. I would ask her what her favorite foods are and eat what she likes. I will keep a souvenier from her so I can be cool and say that I met Earheart. Since I have Amelia Earheart with me, I would write a book about her and her adventures in the sky. I would cover the topics of how she was shot down and see if the japanese soldiers tortured her. I would ask her what life was like. I would ask her how it feels to be in an airplane that has been shot down. I would make millions and millions of dollars because I have details from the souce itself. I would end debates and become a famous guy and have a title of being the man brings the dead back to life for two hours. At the end of her journey with me, I'll serve her one of my favorite foods which is lasagna with broccoli and eggplants with extra cheese and onions. I hope she likes it and she better like it. I would know what it is like to be dead and have an afterlife.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Favorite Artist. (not painting type of artist)

I've been listening to music ever since I was four years old. (Some of the things that I'm going to write will pretty much be redundant in my other posts.) I've gone through a couple of music phases, first being pop, second being punk/hardcore stuff and lastly Metal. The first metal sub-genre that I listened to was metal-core, you know those guys like Asking Alexandra, A Skylit Drive etc etc. Death Metal was probably that last genre of music that I fell in love with mostly because I was scared hearing those growls. The instruments to me were just out of this world. I had no idea that notes could be played at such high speeds and be really technical. The band that really caught me into enjoying death metal or any other metal genres (melodic, technical, black) was Cryptopsy. The very first song that got me to be a Cryptopsy fan was Phobophile. When I first heard this song I had no idea what was happening. Everything was just out of control. I remember first playing this song on the drums, I just couldn't could up after the first few seconds when the drums come in. That part with Flo Mounier's hyperblast just blew me away. I took me a long time for my hands the blast that fast and even today I can't really keep up with the speed. The song Phobophile is a track in Cryptopsy's most popular album None So Vile. None So Vile was the first death metal album that I explored. Slit Your Guts, Crown of Horns, Orgiastic Disembowelment, Dead and Dripping, Lichmistress, Graves of Our Fathers, and Benedictine Convulsions are all death metal classics. I think it is the best death metal album ever released. After listening to None So Vile I started to explore more of Cryptopsy's albums, Blasphemy Made Flesh, Whisper Supremacy, ...And Then You'll Beg, Once Was Not, The Unspoken King, and yet to explore and digest their newly released Cryptopsy. I searched on youtube and found Cryptopsy's demo when they were called Necrosis. I didn't expect the drums to be so simple, you know. It's all skank beats and such. Lord Worms voice is still really cool and brutal. Blasphemy Made Flesh has a sound that I really like, Raw and of course the drums over power the other instruments. When I first listened to Whisper Supremcy I was actually scared to listen to the whole album. The sound was just crazy. ...And Then You'll Beg is a good album. I like the album because you can use audacity and pretty much only get the guitars with the drums almost not audible. Once Was Not is a very technical album and I think it shows the true musicianship of the members. Flo Mounier just goes all out with his newly introduced gravity blasts and jazzy grooves along with Alex's blistering fast riffs and crazy solos. The draw back of the album is that the bass is barely audible. In a few songs you can hear only some notes and that's about it. I wish they would've played more of the songs from that album live. I hope that I get to at least see one of their performances live before I die.Cryptopsy is actually a very diverse band. They bring in jazzy parts along with some latin/bossa nova stuff. I really like Cryptopsy mostly because the drums are crazy and is really easy to hear. The drums are like right in your face. I also like the guitar riffs and solos. I think that they make one of the best solos in the metal scene. Jon is a genius.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Greatest Invention

Humans have been around for a long time. Over the course of so many years there have been great intelligence in the chosen people. These chosen people have greatly impacted the direction of human understanding and development. They have invented unique things.What I think the best invention in the history of man are those things that go into out space.. The Soviet Union were the first to produce an object into outer space, then came US with NASA. The very first space object was the Sputnik 1 made by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The launch of Sputnik 1 marked the beginning of the Space Race between the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War. The launch ushered in new political, military, technology, and scientific developments. The US reacted by investing a lot of money to fund schools in emphasizing the study of math and science. The president at the time passed a space bill that resulted in the creation of NASA.
Since the establishment of NASA resulting from the space bill, they have been discovering many things with all those space instruments that they made. NASA wasn't the first to launch living things into space but it was the Soviet Union that launched a dog into space and proved that living organisms can survive in outer space. The dogs name was Laika. NASA on the other hand was the first to launch man into outer space who was Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong along with Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to step foot on the moon which happened on July 20, 1969. Once on foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong famously said “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” On August 25, 2012, he died at the age of 82. 
I've been always fascinated with space shuttles and satellites and I've learned a lot about space and terrestrial events. Without space equipment, we wouldn't have a deeper meaning of the universe and why we are here. Various planets have been discovered and there are yet more to be discovered. Also with our technology we finally now know that Pluto is now not a planet but more of a White Dwarf. There are satellites that take images of outer planets. Without the help of satellites we wouldn't know the planets we know now and our understanding of them like thunderstorms in Jupiter and the Rings of Saturn along with its many moons orbiting in the rings. We also now know that Uranus has a slightly visible ring around it. As years go by, we achieve more understanding of the universe and how things happen because technology of satellites will always improve. Who knows, maybe we will actually discover another Earth! that'll be cool. (probably a parallel universe?) For a while NASA has been concentrated a lot on Mars even now since the deployment of the Curiosity drone. I've seen the panorama pictures that were taken by the drone and I have to say that they are really cool. Even though that so far the images have been only showing rocks and red sand I think that there's more to Mars and we need more time to explore. Hopefully we will discover fuel on Mars. I hope that someday in the future we will have space crafts that will launch trash into space and hopefully put them in another planet. Our Earth will be clean and everyone will live happily ever after. In the near future I hope that NASA will bring back their civilian space shuttle program because I really want to see outer space and the moon. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Its Happy. Proud.

There have been numerous things that made me happy such as making a new friend, feeling loved outside of family, theme parks, and visiting new landmasses. When I feel happy, I'am happy, like I smile and get all this energy and such. The happiest thing that has ever happened to me was the fact that I got my own drum set... well it sorta is and isn't but the for most part it is. My first encounter with the music world was when I was about four years old. I started to play the piano for about a year or so then quit. I then attended band class and started out as a clarinet player. I actually wanted to learn the violin but that wasn't available. My parents bought me actually both a clarinet and alto saxophone. So i played clarinet for one year then saxophone for the last two years of my middle school years. I will be honest that I did not like to play woodwind instruments, I thought it was boring. Everything changed when I saw my uncle play the drums. I started to play on his drum set and he taught me how to play it for the first few months. I grew happy that I learned the drums because it's a very diverse instrument with almost limitless possibilities. I felt like a natural behind the drum kit. At that time I didn't have my own kit in my house so the only time i got to play was when i visited him. A few months later my brother had brought in a drum set for his band practices. From that day on I played the drums almost everyday. I loved playing the drums because its an amazing instrument and really fun and also you get a good work out on your arms and shins. Whenever i get new drumsticks Im thrilled because that means more drum time for me! though I become sad when I crack a cymbal. When i first started playing a tended to break a lot of cymbals but now I improved my technique and havn't cracked a cymbal for about 2 years. I love everything about the drums: the sticks, cymbals, heads, shells, and also the percussive instruments. I have experimented with many drumstick sizes and companies and I have to say that so far I have been playing with Vater 3A's. It's a little shorter and fatter than the Vic Firth 3A's. For cymbals I have a mixed set of Zildjians and Sabians. My favorite crash so far is the O-zone crash. I have a 20" AAX O-zone crash. I just love the idea of the whole holes thing. Drumheads are remo. My snare is an emperor X and ambassador on a Pearl Sensitone snare, just like flo mouniers snare... I dont know about now because he has changed his kit set up quite a bit. I remember that when I first started the drums I have a fairly small kit. It was a 4 piece kit, snare, kickdrum, and 2 toms. I have 4 cymbals. Hi-hats, two crashes and a ride. Over a few months a upgraded to a slightly bigger kit: an extra tom and a few more cymbals. Then later on again I for the very first time have used a double bass pedal. Boy was that an experience! I had no idea that drums could have such a component. So from that day I always used a double bass set up whether it would be a double pedal or two bass drums with on pedal on each. I love the drums so much. It has shaped my life and also my arms and legs.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bucket List.

  1. Get one majors and two minors
  2. Go to Europe
  3. Go to Oktoberfest
  4. Paintball wearing only underwear.
  5. Dive
  6. Have signature drumstick.
  7. Record original song
  8. Compose Self recorded album
  9. Learning bass sweeping
  10. 300bpm double bass
  11. 320 bpm single strokes
  12. Meet the members of Cryptopsy.
  13. Rock out in Wacken.
  14. Rock out in SummerSlaughter.
  15. Rock out in MetalFest.
  16. Mosh in a moshpit.
  17. Stage dive.
  18. Catch a drummers drumstick.
  19. Attend a concert.
  20. Own a music store.
  21. Record in a studio.
  22. Be a music teacher.
  23. Drum on Machu Picchu.
  24. Drum in an airplane.
  25. Own every zildjian cymbal.
  26. Eat puffer fish.
  27. Swim with dolphins.
  28. Run 100meters under 10 seconds.
  29. Hunt with a bow n' arrow.
  30. Bow fish.
  31. Airsoft in scotland.
  32. Join a mock battle.
  33. Join real life mmorpg game.
  34. Drive a small airplane.
  35. Be in Family Feud.
  36. Win atleast $100,000 in a casino.
  37. Own Lamborghini.
  38. Milk a cow.
  39. Qualify for an Olympic team.
  40. Learn 5 different languages.
  41. Pet a lion.
  42. Visit Antarctica and play with penguins.
  43. Attend one of the Popes mass.
  44. Shoot an arrow through an arrow thats on the target.
  45. Be in a getaway car.
  46. Skydive without an instructor.
  47. Feed wild whales.
  48. Own a Siberian Husky.
  49. Hug a baby panda.
  50. Be in movie.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

1,000,000 money

Here’s another topic for my blog. It is “What I would do if I had one million dollars?” Let me start off by saying that nowadays that amount of money isn’t a lot. It still is a lot of money just not that much to really make a living out of. I don’t think that one million dollars is enough to contribute to all of my ideas but I’ll tell you about the individual ideas exclusive to it.
The first thing I would do will one million dollars is to build myself an underground studio. I’ve always wanted to do this because I think that making music underground is a cool idea and really goes with “underground music” haha. Like a typical studio, there’s the mixing board and on the other side of the window is where the instruments will be. As a drummer, I would want a pretty big room and of course I’d want a big drum set because it is fun to play. Assume that I’m good at mixing, equalizing and doing all that stuff to the sound of the instruments. My studio name will be Underground Music Studio’s. I’ll be happily mixing songs for metal bands and maybe some other genres. The thing that I’ll most likely be doing is recording my own originals and some drum solo stuff.
The second thing that I’ll do is to donate money to the needy. I breaks my heart to see all the unfortunate people living on the streets begging for money and suffer from starvation. I’ll use up my money to help build a house for them and provide jobs for them to do to earn money. If that wont work then what I’ll do is to give a generous amount of money into the buckets or cups of the beggars. Normally people would only give like a dollar or two but I’ll give more like in the $50 – 100 dollar price range. Hopefully that will be useful for a week if they don’t spend all that on drugs or cigarettes or beer. Helping the unfortunates can be hard work but if done right we can help a lot of them. Not only people in my local area but also overseas to kids in need. I build a foundation that donates food and clothing to those poor people.
The last thing I’ll do if I had one million dollars would be to invest it. If I invest in the right place and wait for a while, I know ill end up with much more money and I’ll be happier. I’ll start a one million dollar business and hope that I’ll gain much more than I spent which I believe is always the case? Or I can invest in stocks. I’m still not sure how this whole stock thing works but all I know is that if invested in the right place and right time Ill end up wealthier.
As you can see I have listed three things that I would do with one million dollars. I know there is much more to do than those listed but they are the big ones for me. As I mentioned before, one million is not a lot but I can be worked with.


     I know this question seems pretty redundant but if you had a superpower what would it be? I know that the most common answer would either be the power to fly, read minds, or teleport. All those superpowers are really cool but I want to have something different... like the power to turn my body into different shapes. A shape shifter. I always wanted to know what it is like to be some things like for example: a ball, a car, an airplane, or a drumstick. Shape shifting also has some advantages.
     Shapeshifting man would be such an awesome superhero. He'll be able to morph into some kind of vehicle whether it would be a car or some kind of floating thing. He'd be like batman except he IS the gadgets for fighting crime. Lets say in some fighting scenario. Superhero A doesn't have anyway to see the villain that is running away, so Shapeshifter man comes for the sake of convenience and morphs into a device that can see through whatever it is the villain is hiding. Superhero A then tracks the villain and Shapeshifter man turns from that device into like a boulder that smashes into the walls and morphs back to kick the villains arse.

Before shapeshift..
After shapeshift


     Shapeshifting is such a unique power. That blue girl in X - Men also that ability but only able to morph into different people. I'd want to turn into a human as well as objects. I don't want to limit shapeshifting to just my whole body but use only certain parts to turn into something else would be really helpful. I can use my arms and turn them into some cannon weapon and protect myself against any bad guys. I feel like being able to form into many different things make me like a compilation of superheros' like Superman, Captain America, The Thing and Batman. I can morph my arms to be wings and fly like superman. I can use my two arms to be like shields. I can morph my skin to be solid like the think. And finally I can use like my spit or snot to be like explosives and throw them at people.
     There are other ways I can help people with my powers. If someone doesn't have anything to sit on I can be a chair for them. If little kids want a ball of any type whether it be a basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, or baseball, i can turn into any of those to save kids from their suffering of boredom. But the again, I'd hate to be a ball at the same time because I'll be going everywhere and imagine how dizzy I'll be after I turn back into my human form. I'd be vomiting everywhere.
     For criminal justice, I can be undercover. like literally undercover. I can be the shoes that the criminals wear and hear everything they say and track where they're going. I can be a surveillance camera and plant myself in a safe house where all the bad guys hang out and record their activity and report back to the police. Or instead of an object form I can be one of them. I'd kill one of their members, bury his/her dead body and morph into that. I can analyze their business and report back. I'll try my best not to kill anybody but if it is some kind of other member in a gang then I won't hesitate to do whatever.
     I think that shapesifting is one of the best super power choice you can pick out of everything else. Shapeshifting seems to be a lot of fun though it does have its pro and cons. It is really cool and the choice of power of me.

Photos of stuff

First World Metal Problems

Sims 3


Amon Amarth

John Longstreth with Pearl Demon Drives

Simone Simons - Epica singer

Bare Infinity.

Flo Mounier - Cryptopsy Drummer

Aloha From Hell


Bloodshot Dawn

Born of Osiris

Simone Pluijmers - Cerebral Bore singer

Cerebral Bore

Jon Lavessuer - Cryptopsy guitarist




Eric Langlois

George Kollias

Hannes Grossmann


Lord Worm

Mike Mangini - Dream Theater drummer





Siberian Husky

South Park

The Agonist

Lisa Jablonksi

Anastasia Pavlova

Aquiles Priester

Angela Gossow

Arch Enemy



Thomas Lang

Ice Cream




Peter Wildoer



Varg Vikerness

Zune HD
