What is the solution for world hunger.
First of all, with the worlds rapid
population growth rate ending world hunger will be a very challenging
problem to conquer. Some countries government wont even allow aid for
its own starving people which is a bad thing. So things like that
will prevent solutions for ending world hunger. I think that one of
the solutions for ending world hunger would be through the lab.
Genetically engineer food for rapid growth and space efficiency. Gene
splicing is a real thing and scientist have already done it. Like say
take a potato and a watermelon for example. We all know that the
potato grows in huge quantities and they require very little room. If
we can take the gene from that of the potato and put it in
watermelons, we could see rapid growths of watermelons everywhere.
One occurrence of such gene splicing was when scientist made “golden
rice” containing vitamin A to help those countries with people that
don't take in a sufficient amount of vitamin A. Another solution for
world hunger is to end wars. When war is occurring plantations and
land get destroyed and those foods in thats farms and plantations are
gone, unable to supply the people that eat out from there on a
regular basis. Establishing foundations that support countries with
insufficient amount of food will help the problem. Donations of food
will help a lot. Food companies can build farms and ranges in places
where the people need food thus creating jobs for people and people
earning money can buy food. With the worlds economy today, people are
losing their jobs therefore they can't earn the money needed to
support themselves or family. Having green projects can give people
jobs such as building windmills, dams, and solar panels. One problem
with the earth is global warming. Because of high Co2 emissions,
global warming is becoming even more dangerous every year. If we can
get the establishments of green projects there will be less Co2
emissions and more environmentally friendly power supplies. People
will have jobs thus having money to support their families. Not only
that, global warming has been messing up the worlds patterns and
there seems to be more natural disasters such as typhoons and
hurricanes. Those destroy land and even farms that people use to
produce food. And of course without land to produce food people will
starve. I read one article about wind energy and how they modified
the turbines to collect moisture from the air and convert it to clean
drinking water. That is a great idea. Companies can plant these wind
turbines and place them in isolated villages where not only they will
get power but also clean free clean drinking water.
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