Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is love?

There are many definitions of love...
-Natures way tricking people into reproducing.
-To have strong liking.
-To have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for(another person).

1 Corinthians 13:
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over another's sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love.

As you can see that there are many different definitions of love. My own definition is unconditional love; no matter what it is your partner does, you still love them for who they are. Love is accepting the consequences and sufferings with your significant other. 
I see a lot of young teenagers telling their friends that they love their boyfriend or girlfriend blah blah blah and those relationships only last for a short time. There is no love in those kind of relationships because deep inside your still finding your place in someone else's heart. True love is settling down your differences and locking chains with each other throwing away the key. There are no limits in true love meaning that you'll do anything for your partner to keep them truly no matter the consequences. You don't hide yourself from your significant other because you trust your partner to understand and to accept what's happening. Love is painful but also a blessing. The pain is growing into a new person with new views of life and leaving your past behind but it is also a blessing in that you grow together with your partner discovering new things in life.

Or love could be like loving to eat or playing a sport with great dedication and passion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stream of Conciousness #2

this is my stream of consciousness. you are about to read what i have in my mind. I'am saying what im typing out loud. I think it is really good because you can remember what you said and wrote. Chris in your mind not out loud. Chris shut up. Thank you. asshole. *giggle* it was more of a chuckle. sneeze* My Ethernet. I cannot connect to the internet with this lame lenovo laptop. Are you serious chris, are you going to diss my computer? I see a teacher fixing up his pile of papers and putting it into a box where other studenst will get them. I will now be getting my AP stat papers test thing. I hope I do well. :) TROLOLOLOLOLO. Mr. Lee, who were better, the seniors of the juniors. Their average grade is like 17/20. Our class is like 13/20. Im not good at Stats. I have to read more of it. Wow, I don't know what else to write. Haha that is funny because I just wrote that. I like to have long hair. There is this one kid named Joey who has the longest hair in school. It is down to his waist. I don't want hair that long but maybe half way down my back. I like to headbang while i listen to metal. Metal is BRUTAL. It's like a truck running at full speed which spikes on the front hitting you. My favorite type of music is metal because it gives you so much energy its amazing. I helps me through my troubles that I go through and i let it all out through growling or just going nuts. I play the drums. I started playing the drums since I was about 12 years old which makes me a drummer for about four to five years. I started out as a pop drummer but then as time went on I got tired of pop music and moved to metal because of its complexity and technicality. I love blast beats! Some musicians think blast beats are just noise played at high tempos but I think they are fun and challenging. Imagine all the stamina you'll need to play an hour show full of blast beats! My favorite blasts are the one-footed blast used by George Kollias, Derek Roddy and other great drummers. I also like the hyperblast used frequently by Flo Mounier. Flo Mounier is my biggest inspiration in the drumming world. He has groove, technicality, speed and chops. Hes almost like an all-in-one type of drummer. I like double bass drumming. It's a great workout applied along with blast beats. Wow I've been writing for 22 minutes and im not even half way done! Anyways back to what I was talking about. Death Metal drumming is like a workout. Right now my bass pedals are Pearl Eliminator PowerShifters. I chose that over the Pearl Demon Drives because the demon drives are too smooth for me. I want a pedal that how do you say fight back I guess. The powershifters have that and now im using the blue cam. I tried the red cam but that doesn't work to my liking as much as the blue. Flo Mounier uses the blue cam so yeah. So I just saved my document just incase this Obama computer because these computers are sketchy, they tend to like break down the screen goes black or white sometimes. Cheap stuff but it works atleast. Recently I have been playing the bass guitar. I have a black four-stringed bass guitar which brand I cannot name because its actually my uncle's who is also a drummer and the guy that taught me how to play the drums when I first started out. He also recorded my playing the drums which i thought was cool because i can see the improvement I went through, and i can see that I improved a lot. My playing style also changed dramatically. A few hours ago I took an ancient world history test. I missed 5 questions, but thats okay I guess i didn't study much. I also took a chemistry test. The 9th graders kept on bothering me so they had to leave the room. I have a facebook account. I dont have many friends on it because I deleted a lot of friends. I think around three hundred? So call me maybe. I'm hooked to that school and sometimes I would just sing it out of the blue and ill start to do the motions which I think is funny. But that song is not my cup or tea. It's just hookable. There are some celebrity crushes I have if you will. They are Simone Simones, Simon Pjer... and lisa Jablowski. I liked Lisa's page. I think she is really pretty, so are the other two and other girls I like. Grrrr. I like to do some growlings from time to time but I honesly suck at is. Cryptopsy is my top death metal band. They are really awesome. The drums are monstrous (flo mounier) and the guitars are really fast. Cryptopsy has had a lot of line up changes but I think the line up now slaughters. Flo mounier on drums, Jon and Christian on guitars, Olivier on the bass and Matt on vocals killer line up. It is 2:34 right now. I have 10 minutes till school is done. It is still raining really hard and the vollyball game against Grace Christian Academy is cancelled. But thats okay i didnt want to play anyways. Im a slow typer and I suck at it. I pre-ordered cryptopsy's upcoming album that will be out in two weeks. Im really excited and i hope i can be a winner of those giveaways which I doubt but thats okay. 9Gag has ruined my life. Im sorta an addict to it i would go on everyday to see the new posts. A lot of the posts are redundant actually which is lame. And there aren't as many good posts as before. I also go on reddit. I think Reddit is better than 9gag. Eight more minutes till school is done. I can't wait to go home and sleep. Possibly play the bass guitar to some metal songs. Im not fast now on the bass but i certainly will later during this year. I use finger style picking. Im practicing to use all four fingers. I can play phobophile and serial messiah. I just saved my document again hahah. 5 more minutes until school is over. I've been reading BBC news lately and the topics dont really appeal to me anymore. OH! Have you seen the panarama of the Curiosity drone thing? It is really cool. Mars is like orange and brown. I think that life once was lived there before a long time ago. Maybe martians? Neil Armstrong died a few days ago. R.I.P. Lance Armstrong was stripped of his 7 gold medals won at tour de france. That sucks for him. It seems that theres something wrong with the Armstrong family? Presidential elections are coming up. I wonder who will win the presidency? Obama or Mitt Romney? I like to play sports. I play volleyball. Im on the school volleyball team and im in the A team. Or blue But sadly im not starter for the COED team. But i will be for the MISO league. I like to set the ball. I cant spike haha. It is 2:43 right now and it is still raining really hard. It has been raining a lot since like the start of school. I like rain it makes me happy because the weather is not as hot as the days that it is not raining. Global warming. I think we can stop global warming if all the countries cooperate. That will never happen. All the countries thing of themselves rather than the people. I think that If all of richest people in the world combine together they can bail out all of Europe and the Euro-crisis will be over! How cool would that be? People are stubborn greedy folks. Jesus is a cool guy. He died for our sins and will be back on Earth on an unknown day. I wonder what it is like to be in Heaven, I wouldn't want to go to hell and burn for all of my life. That would suck. I like to wear black clothes. I think black is the new black. I have many black shirts of bands and sorts of stuff. Arch Enemy, Immolation, Amon Amarth, Behemoth, Opeth and so forth. Yup im going to go home right now and use the computer and do stuff. Wow im hungry. I guess I couldn't finish this whole thing in like 45 minutes. I have statistics homework to do. Today will be an easy day. Fish live in the water. They have fins and mouths. We eat fish but i dont really like to eat sea food because I think it is all dangerous because of the toxic waste that are spilled on to the ocean it could kill me. Im kinda lost on what to write right now. All my classmates are leaving the room. Maybe ill just copy and paste a random sentence or two. “ Cryptopsy is my top death metal band. They are really awesome. The drums are monstrous (flo mounier) and the guitars are really fast. Cryptopsy has had a lot of line up changes but I think the line up now slaughters. Flo mounier on drums, Jon and Christian on guitars, Olivier on the bass and Matt on vocals killer line up. It is 2:34 right now. I have 10 minutes till school is done. It is still raining really hard and the vollyball game against Grace Christian Academy is cancelled. But thats okay i didnt want to play anyways. Im a slow typer and I suck at it. I pre-ordered cryptopsy's upcoming album that will be out in two weeks. Im really excited and i hope i can be a winner of those giveaways which I doubt but thats okay. 9Gag has ruined my life. Im sorta an addict to it i would go on everyday to see the new posts. A lot of the posts are redundant actually which is lame. And there aren't as many good posts as before. I also go on reddit. I think Reddit” hahah there it is. The copy and pasted sentence.

I invite dead people.

If I could bring back some one from the dead then it would be Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earheart was the first women aviator to fly around the world. Her disappearance is not yet known but many people suggest that she crashed somewhere in the Northern Mariana Islands. There have be witnesses that claimed that they saw japanese soldiers dragging a white lady into their camp. There also have been other claims that she was around other areas such as Great Britain and Japan. A US guy said that he found Amelia's briefcase in the Island of Saipan. Now I just need a way to bring back Amelia from the dead. I would build a machine that would bring dead people back from the dead and give them live for only about two hours. I would bring her back from the dead during the afternoon and have lunch with her instead of dinner or breakfast. I've been reading about dead people and police officers that saw them said that the stench of the human body is nothing of this world. It has a sweet scent to it so I would have to spray her with some deodorant or some kind of scent killer thing. Anyways, for the first hour I would go shopping with her and talk about things in life and such. I would ask her what her favorite songs are and what she likes to do. We would go watch a movie and stuff. I would bring her to like the museum and introduce her to the people that are looking for her remains and they will be astonished because they wouldnt believe that there she is, standing in front of them the mystery solved. I would ask her where her plane is and I would take a photo of it and upload it in instagram. We would do some water sports such as personal watercrafting, swimming, paddle boarding and maybe banana boating. I would ask her what her favorite foods are and eat what she likes. I will keep a souvenier from her so I can be cool and say that I met Earheart. Since I have Amelia Earheart with me, I would write a book about her and her adventures in the sky. I would cover the topics of how she was shot down and see if the japanese soldiers tortured her. I would ask her what life was like. I would ask her how it feels to be in an airplane that has been shot down. I would make millions and millions of dollars because I have details from the souce itself. I would end debates and become a famous guy and have a title of being the man brings the dead back to life for two hours. At the end of her journey with me, I'll serve her one of my favorite foods which is lasagna with broccoli and eggplants with extra cheese and onions. I hope she likes it and she better like it. I would know what it is like to be dead and have an afterlife.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Favorite Artist. (not painting type of artist)

I've been listening to music ever since I was four years old. (Some of the things that I'm going to write will pretty much be redundant in my other posts.) I've gone through a couple of music phases, first being pop, second being punk/hardcore stuff and lastly Metal. The first metal sub-genre that I listened to was metal-core, you know those guys like Asking Alexandra, A Skylit Drive etc etc. Death Metal was probably that last genre of music that I fell in love with mostly because I was scared hearing those growls. The instruments to me were just out of this world. I had no idea that notes could be played at such high speeds and be really technical. The band that really caught me into enjoying death metal or any other metal genres (melodic, technical, black) was Cryptopsy. The very first song that got me to be a Cryptopsy fan was Phobophile. When I first heard this song I had no idea what was happening. Everything was just out of control. I remember first playing this song on the drums, I just couldn't could up after the first few seconds when the drums come in. That part with Flo Mounier's hyperblast just blew me away. I took me a long time for my hands the blast that fast and even today I can't really keep up with the speed. The song Phobophile is a track in Cryptopsy's most popular album None So Vile. None So Vile was the first death metal album that I explored. Slit Your Guts, Crown of Horns, Orgiastic Disembowelment, Dead and Dripping, Lichmistress, Graves of Our Fathers, and Benedictine Convulsions are all death metal classics. I think it is the best death metal album ever released. After listening to None So Vile I started to explore more of Cryptopsy's albums, Blasphemy Made Flesh, Whisper Supremacy, ...And Then You'll Beg, Once Was Not, The Unspoken King, and yet to explore and digest their newly released Cryptopsy. I searched on youtube and found Cryptopsy's demo when they were called Necrosis. I didn't expect the drums to be so simple, you know. It's all skank beats and such. Lord Worms voice is still really cool and brutal. Blasphemy Made Flesh has a sound that I really like, Raw and of course the drums over power the other instruments. When I first listened to Whisper Supremcy I was actually scared to listen to the whole album. The sound was just crazy. ...And Then You'll Beg is a good album. I like the album because you can use audacity and pretty much only get the guitars with the drums almost not audible. Once Was Not is a very technical album and I think it shows the true musicianship of the members. Flo Mounier just goes all out with his newly introduced gravity blasts and jazzy grooves along with Alex's blistering fast riffs and crazy solos. The draw back of the album is that the bass is barely audible. In a few songs you can hear only some notes and that's about it. I wish they would've played more of the songs from that album live. I hope that I get to at least see one of their performances live before I die.Cryptopsy is actually a very diverse band. They bring in jazzy parts along with some latin/bossa nova stuff. I really like Cryptopsy mostly because the drums are crazy and is really easy to hear. The drums are like right in your face. I also like the guitar riffs and solos. I think that they make one of the best solos in the metal scene. Jon is a genius.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Greatest Invention

Humans have been around for a long time. Over the course of so many years there have been great intelligence in the chosen people. These chosen people have greatly impacted the direction of human understanding and development. They have invented unique things.What I think the best invention in the history of man are those things that go into out space.. The Soviet Union were the first to produce an object into outer space, then came US with NASA. The very first space object was the Sputnik 1 made by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. The launch of Sputnik 1 marked the beginning of the Space Race between the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War. The launch ushered in new political, military, technology, and scientific developments. The US reacted by investing a lot of money to fund schools in emphasizing the study of math and science. The president at the time passed a space bill that resulted in the creation of NASA.
Since the establishment of NASA resulting from the space bill, they have been discovering many things with all those space instruments that they made. NASA wasn't the first to launch living things into space but it was the Soviet Union that launched a dog into space and proved that living organisms can survive in outer space. The dogs name was Laika. NASA on the other hand was the first to launch man into outer space who was Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong along with Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to step foot on the moon which happened on July 20, 1969. Once on foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong famously said “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” On August 25, 2012, he died at the age of 82. 
I've been always fascinated with space shuttles and satellites and I've learned a lot about space and terrestrial events. Without space equipment, we wouldn't have a deeper meaning of the universe and why we are here. Various planets have been discovered and there are yet more to be discovered. Also with our technology we finally now know that Pluto is now not a planet but more of a White Dwarf. There are satellites that take images of outer planets. Without the help of satellites we wouldn't know the planets we know now and our understanding of them like thunderstorms in Jupiter and the Rings of Saturn along with its many moons orbiting in the rings. We also now know that Uranus has a slightly visible ring around it. As years go by, we achieve more understanding of the universe and how things happen because technology of satellites will always improve. Who knows, maybe we will actually discover another Earth! that'll be cool. (probably a parallel universe?) For a while NASA has been concentrated a lot on Mars even now since the deployment of the Curiosity drone. I've seen the panorama pictures that were taken by the drone and I have to say that they are really cool. Even though that so far the images have been only showing rocks and red sand I think that there's more to Mars and we need more time to explore. Hopefully we will discover fuel on Mars. I hope that someday in the future we will have space crafts that will launch trash into space and hopefully put them in another planet. Our Earth will be clean and everyone will live happily ever after. In the near future I hope that NASA will bring back their civilian space shuttle program because I really want to see outer space and the moon. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Its Happy. Proud.

There have been numerous things that made me happy such as making a new friend, feeling loved outside of family, theme parks, and visiting new landmasses. When I feel happy, I'am happy, like I smile and get all this energy and such. The happiest thing that has ever happened to me was the fact that I got my own drum set... well it sorta is and isn't but the for most part it is. My first encounter with the music world was when I was about four years old. I started to play the piano for about a year or so then quit. I then attended band class and started out as a clarinet player. I actually wanted to learn the violin but that wasn't available. My parents bought me actually both a clarinet and alto saxophone. So i played clarinet for one year then saxophone for the last two years of my middle school years. I will be honest that I did not like to play woodwind instruments, I thought it was boring. Everything changed when I saw my uncle play the drums. I started to play on his drum set and he taught me how to play it for the first few months. I grew happy that I learned the drums because it's a very diverse instrument with almost limitless possibilities. I felt like a natural behind the drum kit. At that time I didn't have my own kit in my house so the only time i got to play was when i visited him. A few months later my brother had brought in a drum set for his band practices. From that day on I played the drums almost everyday. I loved playing the drums because its an amazing instrument and really fun and also you get a good work out on your arms and shins. Whenever i get new drumsticks Im thrilled because that means more drum time for me! though I become sad when I crack a cymbal. When i first started playing a tended to break a lot of cymbals but now I improved my technique and havn't cracked a cymbal for about 2 years. I love everything about the drums: the sticks, cymbals, heads, shells, and also the percussive instruments. I have experimented with many drumstick sizes and companies and I have to say that so far I have been playing with Vater 3A's. It's a little shorter and fatter than the Vic Firth 3A's. For cymbals I have a mixed set of Zildjians and Sabians. My favorite crash so far is the O-zone crash. I have a 20" AAX O-zone crash. I just love the idea of the whole holes thing. Drumheads are remo. My snare is an emperor X and ambassador on a Pearl Sensitone snare, just like flo mouniers snare... I dont know about now because he has changed his kit set up quite a bit. I remember that when I first started the drums I have a fairly small kit. It was a 4 piece kit, snare, kickdrum, and 2 toms. I have 4 cymbals. Hi-hats, two crashes and a ride. Over a few months a upgraded to a slightly bigger kit: an extra tom and a few more cymbals. Then later on again I for the very first time have used a double bass pedal. Boy was that an experience! I had no idea that drums could have such a component. So from that day I always used a double bass set up whether it would be a double pedal or two bass drums with on pedal on each. I love the drums so much. It has shaped my life and also my arms and legs.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bucket List.

  1. Get one majors and two minors
  2. Go to Europe
  3. Go to Oktoberfest
  4. Paintball wearing only underwear.
  5. Dive
  6. Have signature drumstick.
  7. Record original song
  8. Compose Self recorded album
  9. Learning bass sweeping
  10. 300bpm double bass
  11. 320 bpm single strokes
  12. Meet the members of Cryptopsy.
  13. Rock out in Wacken.
  14. Rock out in SummerSlaughter.
  15. Rock out in MetalFest.
  16. Mosh in a moshpit.
  17. Stage dive.
  18. Catch a drummers drumstick.
  19. Attend a concert.
  20. Own a music store.
  21. Record in a studio.
  22. Be a music teacher.
  23. Drum on Machu Picchu.
  24. Drum in an airplane.
  25. Own every zildjian cymbal.
  26. Eat puffer fish.
  27. Swim with dolphins.
  28. Run 100meters under 10 seconds.
  29. Hunt with a bow n' arrow.
  30. Bow fish.
  31. Airsoft in scotland.
  32. Join a mock battle.
  33. Join real life mmorpg game.
  34. Drive a small airplane.
  35. Be in Family Feud.
  36. Win atleast $100,000 in a casino.
  37. Own Lamborghini.
  38. Milk a cow.
  39. Qualify for an Olympic team.
  40. Learn 5 different languages.
  41. Pet a lion.
  42. Visit Antarctica and play with penguins.
  43. Attend one of the Popes mass.
  44. Shoot an arrow through an arrow thats on the target.
  45. Be in a getaway car.
  46. Skydive without an instructor.
  47. Feed wild whales.
  48. Own a Siberian Husky.
  49. Hug a baby panda.
  50. Be in movie.