Monday, November 12, 2012


Wednesday is the middle day between tuesday and thursday. Both of those days start with a T. It is the middle day of the week two. The feelings for wednesdays are different than the feelings in mondays and fridays. I don't like the feelings of mondays because it is after Sunday and on mondays you go to school starting your week. Then tuesdays come in which is like 2/5 the way towards the weekend. Then there is wednesday. The middle of the week which tells you that you only have 2 more days till the weekend. Wednesday are also like the last day of volleyball practice for the week; friday practices are only sometimes. And volleyball games are tuedays and thurdays. Johnny, La Gente Esta Muy Loca. Double U. Tee. Ef.! Wednesday Thursday and Friday. I always wondered why wednesday. Do people wed on that day? And Nes is game character. So is it that Wednesdays are Nes's day? Not sure if it is or isnt. Monday Represents the past and Friday represents the future and wednesday is the present. It is gift from the gods above. Take wednesday as a special day to reflect what you did on monday and tuesday and use that day to plan for the future os thursday and Friday. Wednesday is day of hope. If you did bad in school on monday and tuesday, remember that Wednesday is the middle point and you have a chance to redeme yourself on Thursday and Friday. Life isnt about whats left or right but in the middle. Thats what wednesday is, the middle. You are not bias but your accept everything else that comes are you in life. Like for example if life gives you a watermelon what do you do? You dont throw it away or eat it like you would do to water and melons. You would eat it as a watermelon. Life is full of suprises and we cant experience all of that. So wednesday is the day you find equalibrium of your inner soul and humanity. Wednesday is peak of a mountain. Once you get up theres nothing to do. Walking up the mountain is like monday and tuesday and walking down the mountain is thursday to friday. Do you want to know how to say wednesday if your in monday. Its Overmorrow. This year October 2012, halloween was on wednesday. Another name for wednesday is called Hump Day, because of it's location in the middle of the week, and by the time Wednesday is done, the week is on a down hill roll. In the adams family the daughter is names wednesday. If you realize in the days of the week, it goes monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. There are two T's and two S's and one M, one F, and one W. Wednesday is a chill day. 

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